Kenyans Unite to Fundraise Over Ksh. 2 Million for Protesters' Burial Expenses

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In a powerful display of solidarity and compassion, Kenyans have come together to raise over Ksh. 2 million in less than 8 hours to cover the funeral costs of Re

x Kanyike and Evans Kiratu. The two young men tragically lost their lives during the recent Occupy Parliament protests in Nairobi, with Rex fatally shot by police and Evans succumbing to injuries caused by a teargas canister days later.

The fundraising initiative was sparked by a poignant side-by-side image circulating online, juxtaposing 24-year-old Rex Kanyike with a police officer moments before the fatal shooting. Moved by the tragic circumstances and the need to support the bereaved families, Kenyans swiftly mobilized through an M-CHANGA fundraiser initiated early Sunday morning.

Led by prominent figures including Kimuzi, Osama Otero, and Hanifa Adan, the fundraising effort gained momentum rapidly on social media platform X, where users shared the donation link and encouraged others to contribute. Kimuzi, rallying the community, posted, "Our Brothers Rex & Evans | M-CHANGA. This is the link. I will send all the funds in my Mpesa here that was contributed. The goal is 2M. We can do this. It will be shared by both families."

Kenyans responded with overwhelming support, posting screenshots of their contributions and spreading the word across various online platforms. Simultaneously, Osama Otero hosted a dedicated X space honoring the fallen protesters, urging listeners to contribute as little as Ksh. 10 towards reaching the fundraising goal.

Within the span of 8 hours, the target of Ksh. 2 million was not only met but exceeded, a testament to the solidarity and generosity of Kenyans in times of adversity. Kimuzi jubilantly shared the achievement on social media, proclaiming, "8 hours later, tuko 2M. This week, nimekuwa happy, for the first time as a Kenyan. You can kill a liberator, but will never kill the incoming libération!"

The success of the fundraiser has galvanized the community, with plans already underway for a large-scale attendance at Rex and Evans' funerals. Many are calling for a massive turnout to honor their memory and demonstrate solidarity with their families.

As the nation mourns the loss of these young men and reflects on the circumstances surrounding their deaths, the overwhelming response to the fundraiser underscores a united front against injustice and a profound commitment to supporting those affected by tragic events


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