Landon Barker baby brother Rocky diapers

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 Landon Barker, the 20-year-old son of Travis Barker and stepmom Kourtney Kardashian, recently opened up about his new brother, Rocky, during an interview with Jess Lucero on SiriusXM TikTok Radio. Landon declared that he has not and will not be changing any diapers.

When asked whether it’s been “weird adjusting” to having a newborn sibling, Landon revealed, “I actually haven’t even held it.” He also explained that he was “rooting for a little girl” instead of a baby brother. Landon previously touched on the subject during a September interview on the Zach Sang Show, where he said, “I’m super happy for [Travis and Kourtney]. Kind of wish it was a girl though. I was the only Barker boy,” he said, noting that “it’s definitely crazy” to have a baby sibling. “It’s always a whole different experience.”

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