A Childhood Shattered: Victim Shares Harrowing Account of Abuse by Catholic Priest"

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In a gripping personal account published by Newsweek, Len Prazych shares the harrowing story of his childhood shattered by sexual abuse at the hands of a Catholic priest. Prazych's letter, addressed to his deceased father, chronicles the events of a summer day in 1971 that changed his life forever.

Prazych vividly recalls the oppressive heat of that fateful summer, where a nighttime cruise on the Staten Island Ferry with Father Duncanson, their parish priest, seemed like a dream come true for an eleven-year-old boy. However, the innocent excitement turned into a nightmare when Prazych found himself in his father's bed, spooned by the priest, who proceeded to molest him under the guise of darkness and whiskey-laden breath !-- JalewaAds - Ad Display Code -->


The betrayal of trust, the violation of innocence, and the silent complicity that followed haunt Prazych to this day. Despite his desperate attempts to escape and seek solace from his mother, the trauma of that night lingered, buried beneath layers of confusion, guilt, and shame.

Prazych's narrative sheds light on the devastating impact of clergy abuse, not just on the victims but on their families as well. !-- JalewaAds - Ad Display Code -->

The silence that enveloped the household, the absence of acknowledgment or support from his father, and the burden of secrecy weighed heavily on Prazych's young shoulders, shaping his life in ways he could never have imagined.

Decades later, Prazych finds the courage to confront the demons of his past, to share his truth with the world, and to seek healing through his writing. His poignant account serves as a stark reminder of the pervasiveness of abuse within the Catholic Church and the enduring resilience of survivors who refuse to be silenced.

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