Brits Heading for Spain This Summer Face Plagues of Genetically Hardened Super-Cockroaches

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British holidaymakers planning trips to Spain this summer are being warned of potential plagues of genetically hardened cockroaches, exacerbated by climate change. According to the environmental association Anecpla (National Association of Environmental Health Companies), these insects are expected to appear in large numbers, causing distress for tourists.

Experts attribute the surge in cockroach populations to rising temperatures and prolonged hot months. Jorge Galván, Anecpla's general director, stated, "The increase in temperatures as a result of climate change is causing insects like bedbugs or cockroaches to exponentially accelerate their life cycle."

Scientific evidence supports that cockroaches reproduce more rapidly at temperatures above 28°C. Additionally, stricter EU regulations on pest control chemicals are complicating efforts to manage these pests. Galván noted, "The heat arrives in the middle of spring and does not end until well into autumn, so cockroach populations have only expanded."

Random genetic mutations have made cockroaches resistant to previously effective biocide products. "Environmental health professionals prefer physical and biological measures over chemical ones," Galván added. "But when no other solution is viable, chemical controls become essential."

Cockroaches pose significant health risks by spreading harmful bacteria and viruses, particularly affecting the food industry. Tourists encountering infestations should report them to their accommodation. Maintaining cleanliness, proper food storage, and sealing cracks in walls are recommended preventive measures for hotels and restaurants.

Last year, Europe faced a surge in bed bug cases, particularly in major cities, which horrified holidaymakers. With the rising threat of cockroaches, tourists are advised to remain vigilant and take appropriate precautions during their travels to Spain.


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