Laurence Fox Ordered to Pay £180,000 in Damages After Calling Twitter Users ‘Paedophiles'

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London, April 25, 2024 — British actor and political activist Laurence Fox has been ordered to pay a hefty sum of £180,000 in damages following a legal battle over defamatory statements he made on social media. The case centered around Fox’s use of the term “paedophiles” to describe two individuals on Twitter.

The Lawsuit

Former Stonewall trustee Simon Blake and drag artist Crystal (also known as Colin Seymour) took legal action against Fox after he publicly referred to them as paedophiles. The derogatory comments were made on Fox’s Twitter account, sparking outrage and prompting legal proceedings.

The Verdict

In a landmark ruling, the High Court found Fox liable for defamation. The judge ruled that his statements were false, damaging to the reputations of Blake and Crystal, and had caused significant distress. As a result, Fox has been ordered to pay substantial damages to the plaintiffs.

Reactions and Fallout

The case has drawn attention to the impact of social media posts on individuals’ lives and reputations. Many have criticized Fox’s inflammatory language and called for greater accountability for public figures online. The verdict serves as a warning to others who may use harmful language without considering the consequences.

Laurence Fox’s Response

Fox has not yet publicly commented on the verdict. His legal team is reportedly considering an appeal, but the actor’s reputation has already taken a hit. The controversy has also reignited debates about free speech, responsibility, and the boundaries of online discourse.


As social media continues to play a significant role in public discourse, cases like this highlight the need for thoughtful communication and responsible behavior online. Laurence Fox’s case serves as a reminder that words have consequences, even in the digital realm.


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