Michael Bublé opens up about his son's cancer battle and how it changed his life

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Michael Bublé has revealed how his son Noah's cancer diagnosis at the age of three in 2016 changed his perspective on life and made him appreciate his family more.

The singer, 48, spoke candidly to Steven Bartlett on The Diary of a CEO podcast, where he admitted that the ordeal was a 'sledgehammer' to his life and made him realize that his career and 'ego' were not important.

Michael, who is married to actress Luisana Lopilato, said he will never be 'carefree' again in his life after his son's cancer battle, which he described as 'the worst possible thing that you could hear as a parent'.

He said: 'My son's cancer diagnosis rocked my world. It pulled the curtain from over my eyes. I don't want to get deeper into it, but I don't think I had context. I think I had a very good life, I think I was very lucky, but I didn't know it.'

He added: 'I think I was very caught up in my own world, in my own ego, in my own career, in my own stuff. And then when something like that happens, you realize that none of that matters. None of it. The only thing that matters is your family and your health.'

Michael said he learned to be more grateful and humble after his son's diagnosis, and that he now tries to live in the present and enjoy every moment with his loved ones.

He said: 'I don't think I'll ever be carefree again. I don't think I'll ever be the same person I was. But I think that's okay. I think that's a good thing. I think I'm a better person because of it.'

He also praised his wife Luisana, who he married in 2011, for being his 'rock' and 'hero' during the difficult time. The couple also have two other children, Elias, five, and Vida, three.

He said: 'She's the strongest person I've ever met. She's the reason that I'm alive. She's the reason that our family is intact. She's my everything.'

Michael said he and his wife decided to share their son's cancer journey with the public because they wanted to raise awareness and help other families going through the same thing.

He said: 'We felt like we had a responsibility to other parents who were suffering, who were in the middle of the hell that we were in, to let them know that there was hope, that there was light at the end of the tunnel.'

He also thanked his fans for their support and prayers, and said he felt 'blessed' to have his son healthy and happy today.

He said: 'I'm so grateful for the love that people gave us. I'm so grateful for the miracle that happened. I'm so grateful for the doctors and the nurses and the medicine and the science and the technology that saved my boy.'

Michael said he is now working on new music, but that he does not take his success for granted anymore.

He said: 'I love what I do, I love making music, I love performing, but it's not my priority. My priority is my family. And I'm happy with that. I'm happy with who I am.'

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